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Experience the Territory
Become one of us

We would like to welcome you as one of us! We wish to make your experience as a Creative Tourism really meaningful to both body and mind. That is why every proposal represents a portion of our lifestyle and attitude in life.

Whether the experience is becoming a shepherd or a cook, a sculptor or a photographer, all our Partners aim to show how we do the things we do. And we make things with our hands in this tiny but lively Territory of the Alto Minho. The question will not be left unanswered: Will you become one of us?


Cattle Raising

Become a Cowboy/Cowgirl for a day on the high lands of Santo António Val de Poldros, 

Sheep Shearing

Learn to shear a sheep and to value these peaceful animals

Wine making

Discover the secrets of wine making in a firendly family-run farm that produce an  award-winning Alvarinho

bread making

Become a miller and  make delicious bread according to local recipes


Recrie motivos icónicos às mãos de uma artista local


Junte-se a um artista conceituado para aperfeiçoar o seu talento


Fotografe as nossas gentes, paisagens e monumentos com a paixão de um grande fotógrafo

Urban Sketching

Venha desenhar as cenas do nosso quotidiano com um profissional


Venha descobrir segredos da nossa cozinha e doçaria com um chef conceituado e em locais inesperados


Build one of our most typical musical instruments and have a go at playing them in a market

Plastic arts

Recreate our local icons at the hands o one of our most remarkable artists


Join a local reknown artist and co-create a piece of art inspired by our visible and invisible heritage



Capture our people, our nature our lifestyle with the hints of our local passionate photographer 

Urban Sketching

Immerse yourself in your drawings with the inspiration of our illustrator, sketcher, dream-maker!


Cook like a chef with one!

Find out some of the well-kep secrets of our rich cuisine!

© 2016 criado por Nelson Azevedo . Logótipo de Luís Miguel Frasco

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