Monção Nas Mãos
Turismo Criativo
The Project - Monção Nas Mãos - Monção in Your Hands

"Porque será que nós temos na frente,
aos montes, aos molhos,
tantas coisas que não vemos
nem mesmo perto dos olhos?"
António Aleixo
"Why is it, that there is always plenty,
piles, handfuls,
so many things we can't see
that stand right before our eyes?"
António Aleixo, popular Portuguese poet (20th century)

Whenever a life cycle of 70, 80, 90, 100 years closes, so does a window to the ways the Territory is made, felt and lived. The eyes of those who depart are also the eyes of those who carry on. It is our great responsibility to keep in good hands the teachings handed on to us.
That's why our project "Monção Nas Mãos- Turismo Criativo" was born. We feel the urgency of using the knowledge we have been fortunate to have received. We do not intend to cast a melancholic and contemplative look at the past; instead, it is our purpose to express the fundamental values of this region of the Alto Minho through carefully selected people just like us that have been bestowed talents and knowledge that truthfully embody both ancient and modern values of our Territory.
Our network of Representatives of the Territory invite any visitor to become one of us through experiences in rural activities like bread making, sheep shearing, cattle raising or beekeeping. But our wealth allows art to step in and make us enjoy photowalking sessions across the local market, making traditional musical instruments or painting and sculpting with local artists that will share you both a universal and a local look.
"Monção Nas Mãos - Creative Tourism", fulfilling you through experiences
Nelson Azevedo
Coordeniator of the Project "Monção nas Mãos- Turismo Criativo"
Consultor in Tourism

E-mail: moncaonasmaos@gmail.com
Tel: 00 351 917907441